Understanding ec’stasy
‘Life is a continuum of ecstasies’
Victor (1988) The New Oxford Dictionary derives the
word ecstasy (actually a metaphor) from the (ancient) Greek ekstasis based on ek
‘out’ + stasis, literally ‘standing, stoppage’, from sta- base of histani
(or histemi) ‘cause
to stand’. A ‘state’ is defined (by the NOD) as: the particular (hence relative)
condition (i.e. as halted or sliced process) that someone (i.e. an
identified unit) or something is in at a specific (hence relative)
time. That condition expresses as the self of ‘that something or someone’. In short, the word ‘ecstasy’ (i.e. ec’stasis) means: stand out of or beyond a given stand or
stop (hence ‘state’). The experience of rapturous joy, also
called ecstasy because resulting from standing beyond, happens as a personal
interpretation of either quitting a past, and hence energy depleted or
depleting, hence sucking stand, therefore experiencing an increase in energy
(better: survival capacity) resulting from either a blast of fission energy
or the recovery of own-source energy; or upon arrival - more precisely stated
upon collision with - a new stand, and which provides new @maximum fusion
energy. Since ecstasy is taken to mean: stand
outside (i.e. the box) or beyond, enstasy is taken
to mean: stand within, and astasy is taken to mean:
not standing. It might be noted that in primitive,
meaning atavistic or naïve understanding times (or personal development
phases) achieving ecstasy was interpreted and described, specifically by
those who had achieved it, as entering a mystical or spiritual ‘flow’.
However, the experience of ecstasy is now considered a purely bio-logical
after-effect deriving from a change in mental (i.e. Bio-Nav)
data simulation.